
Surya Pranayam (Morning)

It’s a Hatha yoga Sadhana that brings a full range of motion to the body and increase the strength and flexibility to the maximum. This practice increases the energy and brings a great control on breath and emotions. Surya Pranayam brings balance to vital Pranic energy in the body.

It is a complete sadhana and has a direct vitalizing effect on the solar energy of the body which flows thorugh pingla nadi. Daily practice of Uday Kriya regulates pingla nadi, whether its over active or under active. The regulation of pingla nadi bringd balance to energy systems at both mental and physical level.


Chandra Pranayam (Evening)

Chandra Pranayama Yogic texts have long acknowledged that the body has both heating and cooling energies and that yoga and pranayama (breathwork) can help bring them into a balanced harmony. It is a soothing and quieting sequence that invites you to bow to and cultivate the moon’s soothing lunar energy. This kind of practice is beneficial for men and women who are under any stress. It is a great way to balance your energy before you get to the point of exhaustion. Tune into a sense of devotion as you honor all the phases of the moon and the cycles of your life.

Benifits Of Uday Kriya

  • Vital energy is well preserved.

  • Helps to Build a Healthy, Consistent Routine

  • Boosts metabolism and Balance Your Hormones

  • prevents injury and achiness throughout the day

  • Prepare for deeper state of meditation

  • Removes the body of toxins stored in the tissues

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